Hello, my name is Hannah Nawrocki. I was born in Baltimore, MD and spent half of my childhood there and half in Youngstown, Ohio. I received my B.S. in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences from The Ohio State University with a major in Health Information Management and Systems, which is what really started my interest in healthcare data and operations. I was able to dive deeper into her interests of operations and strategic initiatives this past summer as a Graduate Administrative Resident at Ohio Gastroenterology Group, Inc., where I was able to learn more about practice operations, process improvement, productivity measures, and more. Upon graduation in May, I am extremely excited to return to Baltimore to work as an Administrative Fellow at Johns Hopkins Medicine.
If you have any questions regarding the program, our residency program, or anything else I would be happy to chat.

Hi! My name is Kanna Miskin, and I am a second-year student in the OSU MHA program. i grew up here in Columbus, Ohio but traveled out west to earn a Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration with a minor in Business Management from Utah Valley university. My healthcare journey began in college when I worked as a CNA at a long-term care facility and was eventually promoted to a managerial position for our team of 15 CNAs. In this role I was invigorated by the ability I had to make a difference in the lives of my staff and patients by pushing to create operational efficiencies within the facility. I chose the OSU MHA program for its unique curriculum with a strong emphasis in healthcare finance and the opportunities provided for experiential learning. My favorite learning experience in this program so far was participating in our student-run, first-year case competition last spring. Case competitions are a great way to refine your strategy, teamwork, finance, leadership, and presenting skills and the program does a great job at preparing students to tackle these cases. I currently work as the Administrative Resident for OSU Physicians - the medical group managing the faculty practices for OSU. After graduating from the program, I will be staying with the physician practice as an Operational Consultant. When I'm not at work or at school, I love spending time with my family trying out new restaurants or visiting various metro parks.
If you have questions about the program, case competitions, working while in school, or Columbus - please reach out!

Hi! My name is Ava Zollinger, and I am a first-year Master of Health Administration student from Orlando, Florida. I graduated from Smith College in 2024 with a BA in Integrative Biology and a minor in Environmental Science and Policy. My passion for public health began during an internship at the DP Marais Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, where I experienced a severe lack of resources and infrastructure. My goal through this program is to bring effective U.S. policies to underserved countries, making an impact on global healthcare accessibility and quality. I’m looking forward to completing my administrative residency this summer and continual learn and grow in the program.
If you have questions about the application process, being an out-of-state student, or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out.